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Publications iconKansas Register


Pooled Money Investment Board

Notice of Investment Rates


Kansas Department of Administration - Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders for State Purchases

Kansas State Board of Regents Universities

Notice to Bidders

Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications

Kansas Department of Transportation

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Bridge Replacement Project in Geary County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Chip Seal Projects in Chase and Jewell Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Chip Seal Projects in Dickinson and Jewell Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Demolition Project in Shawnee County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Guardrail Project in Republic County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for HMA Plant Projects in Johnson County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Lighting Project in Russell County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Pavement Patching Project in Dickinson County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Pavement Reconstruction Projects in Decatur, Sheridan, and Thomas Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for RCB Construction Project in Bourbon County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Allen and Woodson Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Cowley County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Decatur and Sheridan Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Projects in Dickinson and Marion Counties

Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing Project in Shawnee County

Notice to Consulting Firms for I-35 Capacity Improvements Project in Johnson County

Notice to Consulting Firms for K-10 Capacity Improvements Project in Johnson County

Notice to Consulting Firms for Overhead Sign Structure Project in Sedgwick County (Revised)

Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors for District 6


City of Augusta, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale

City of Arkansas City, Kansas

Summary Notice of Bond Sale

Legislative Branch

Legislative Administrative Services

Legislative Bills and Resolutions Introduced March 17-23