State of Kansas
Business Search
When searching for a business name, if the name is too long you may have better results when only entering part of the name.
If you don't know the full business name or in what order the words in the business name appear, a keyword search may help you.
When performing a keyword search, make sure to use a word that is less common. A more common word might cause too many results to be returned.
The business database is comprised of more than 300,000 names. A search would take too long if we allowed all results to be returned, so the results are limited to the first 100 that match the criteria you enter.
When searching by a business ID number, please be sure to not use dashes or spaces. A business ID number is not the FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number). The business ID number is assigned by the Secretary of State's office.
The business database should not be used to search for name availability. Different search logic applies when searching electronically for availability of a name. Merely searching through the businesses database will not yield an accurate result. For name availability you must perform a true Name Availability search.
If you are unable to locate a business, it is possible that they have not filed in Kansas or that they are a sole proprietorship, D/B/A, assumed name, fictitious name or trade name. These do not file in Kansas.
The business name or identification number on file with the Secretary of State.
By business name
By Kansas Secretary of State Business ID
By resident agent name
Starts With
Starts With
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