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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 14 - April 7, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Administration
Office of Facilities and Property Management

Notice of Commencement of Negotiations for Design-Build Services

Notice is hereby given for the seeking of interest and qualifications for Design-Build (DB) services for the Kansas Department of Administration, Office of Facilities and Property Management (OFPM), Topeka, Kansas. OFPM is seeking to reconstruct the Docking State Office Building located at 915 SW Harrison Street in downtown Topeka, Kansas. The facility will continue to maintain central utility plant and facilities operations at subgrade levels while selectively dismantling the 1st through 14th floors above-grade. New construction of three floors will be added on top of existing-to-remain basement and sub-basement levels. The new construction will be comprised of approximately 160,000 gross square footage of state agency office spaces, a training center with conference and meeting spaces, and exhibit and lobby areas. Selective renovation and improvements are included within existing below-grade portions of the building. Salvage and reuse of existing building materials and historical elements is a key aspect of the demolition and new construction, along with proper disposal of potentially hazardous materials. Project conditions require depth of experience in building dismantling, site logistics and safety, and salvage and reuse of historic materials. The estimated project budget is limited to $120 million. The construction should be complete no later than June 1, 2025. Bridging Documents produced by the owner’s design consultant will establish the design intent for exteriors, interiors, site design, and building systems.

Design-Build team design and construction services shall be furnished within one contract and selected based on a three-stage approach. Upon Phase I (Qualifications) State Building Advisory Commission’s selection, three (3) to five (5) qualified teams may advance to a request for proposal (RFP) process to be conducted by the Procurement Negotiating Committee. Points assigned during Phase I process shall not carry forward. Phase II (Technical Proposal and Design) and Phase III (Cost Proposal) will evaluate firms to determine greatest value to the owner. Phases I and II shall not reference cost.

Responses to initial phase, Request for Qualifications (Phase I), shall minimally present the following for evaluation and consideration of award: (1) ability to perform projects of comparable design, scope, and complexity; (2) references from owners for whom building-design projects have been performed; (3) qualifications of personnel who will manage the design and construction aspect of the project; (4) names and qualifications of primary design consultants and contractors with whom the building design-builder proposes to subcontract and understanding not to replace identified subcontractor(s) without written approval of state agency; and (5) capable of providing public works bond and present evidence of such bonding capability within statement of qualifications.

To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following should be provided: Letter of Interest; and State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Forms 051, 052, 053 and 054 (40-maximum total readable surfaces formatted to 8.5” x 11”) indicating (1) similar project experience; (2) experience in type of project delivery system; (3) description of project approach; (4) bonding capacity; (5) references from design professionals and owners from previous project and financial statements (10-maximum total readable surfaces formatted to 8.5” x 11”); and updated State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Form 050 for each consulting firm included at the end of each proposal. Forms may be found at Please include your firm name or acronym, agency abbreviation, and an abbreviated project name in the title of the PDF document. Proposals should be less than 5MB. Paper copies and flash drives containing copies of the proposals are not required.

Project Program documentation is available at

Qualifications submittals should be sent to no later than 2:00 p.m. Friday, April 29, 2022. Proposals received after the specified time and date will not be forwarded to the State Building Advisory Commission for review. For questions regarding qualifications submittal contact Randy Riveland at 785-296-0749 or email at

Following Phase I nominations, within Request for Proposal, the owner will extend Bridging Documents establishing expectations for design and quality as developed with the owner’s existing consultant team led by Clark Huesemann. The Design-Build team will provide services for continuation of efforts utilizing Bridging Documents to complete design work, produce construction documentation, and perform and administer construction through to occupancy.

Stipend agreement will be established with each prospective team following Phase I shortlist selection. Following contract award to Design-Build team, stipend shall be extended for prequalified substantially responsive unsuccessful Phase II and III proposers.

Questions about the scope of project should be submitted to Bobbi Pearson at 785-581-2492 or email at

The State of Kansas, as a matter of public policy, encourages anyone doing business with the State of Kansas to take steps to discourage human trafficking. If prospective bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies or participate in any initiatives that discourage human trafficking, the prospective bidder/vendor/contractor is encouraged to submit same as part of their bid response.

Frank Burnam, Director
Office of Facilities and Property Management

Doc. No. 049998