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Agency 21

Kansas Human Rights Commission


21-1-1. Revoked
21-1-2. Revoked
21-1-3. Revoked
21-1-4. Revoked
21-1-5. Revoked
21-1-6. Revoked
21-1-7. Revoked
21-1-8. Revoked
21-1-9. Revoked
21-1-10. Revoked
21-2-1. Revoked
21-2-2. Revoked
21-2-3. Revoked
21-2-4. Revoked
21-2-5. Revoked
21-2-6. Revoked
21-2-7. Revoked
21-2-8. Revoked
21-3-1. Revoked
21-4-1. Revoked
21-5-1. Revoked
21-5-2. Revoked
21-5-3. Revoked
21-5-4. Revoked
21-5-5. Revoked
21-5-6. Revoked
21-5-7. Revoked
21-5-8. Revoked
21-5-9. Revoked
21-5-10. Revoked
21-6-1. Revoked
21-6-2. Revoked
21-6-3. Revoked
21-6-4. Revoked
21-6-5. Revoked
21-6-6. Revoked
21-6-7. Revoked
21-6-8. Revoked
21-6-9. Revoked
21-6-10. Revoked
21-6-11. Revoked
21-7-1. Revoked
21-8-1. Revoked
21-9-1. Revoked
21-9-2. Revoked
21-9-3. Revoked
21-9-4. Revoked
21-10-1. Revoked
21-11-1. Revoked
21-12-1. Revoked
21-15-1. Revoked
21-15-2. Revoked
21-15-3. Revoked
21-15-4. Revoked
21-15-5. Revoked
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21-15-7. Revoked
21-15-8. Revoked
21-15-9. Revoked
21-15-10. Revoked
21-15-11. Revoked
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21-16-1. Revoked
21-16-2. Revoked
21-16-3. Revoked
21-16-4. Revoked
21-16-5. Revoked
21-16-6. Revoked
21-16-7. Revoked
21-16-8. Revoked
21-16-9. Revoked
21-16-10. Revoked
21-17-1. Revoked
21-17-2. Revoked
21-17-3. Revoked
21-17-4. Revoked
21-17-5. Revoked
21-18-1. Revoked
21-18-2. Revoked
21-19-1. Revoked
21-19-2. Revoked
21-19-3. Revoked
21-19-4. Revoked
21-19-5. Revoked
21-19-6. Revoked
21-19-7. Revoked
21-19-8. Revoked
21-19-9. Revoked
21-19-10. Revoked
21-20-1. Revoked
21-21-1. Revoked
21-21-2. Revoked
21-21-3. Revoked
21-21-4. Revoked
21-21-5. Revoked
21-21-6. Revoked
21-21-7. Revoked
21-21-8. Revoked
21-21-9. Revoked
21-21-10. Revoked
21-22-1. Revoked
21-22-2. Revoked
21-22-3. Revoked
21-22-4. Revoked
21-22-5. Revoked
21-22-6. Revoked
21-22-7. Revoked
21-22-8. Revoked
21-22-9. Revoked
21-22-10. Revoked
21-22-11. Revoked
21-22-12. Revoked
21-22-13. Revoked
21-22-14. Revoked
21-22-15. Revoked
21-22-16. Revoked
21-22-17. Revoked
21-22-18. Revoked
21-22-19. Revoked
21-23-1. Revoked
21-24-1. Revoked
21-25-1. Revoked
21-25-2. Revoked
21-25-3. Revoked
21-25-4. Revoked
21-26-1. Revoked
21-27-1. Revoked
21-28-1. Revoked
21-29-1. Revoked
21-29-2. Revoked
21-29-3. Revoked
21-29-4. Revoked
21-30-1. Revoked
21-30-2. "Test" defined
21-30-3. Discrimination defined
21-30-4. Evidence of validity
21-30-5. Minimum standards for validation
21-30-6. Presentation of validity evidence
21-30-7. Use of other validity studies
21-30-8. Assumption of validity
21-30-9. Continued use of tests
21-30-10. Employment agencies and employment services
21-30-11. Disparate treatment
21-30-12. Retesting
21-30-13. Other selection techniques
21-30-14. Affirmative action
21-30-15. Word-of-mouth recruiting
21-30-16. Preference to relatives, friends or neighbors of present employees or members
21-30-17. Pre-employment inquiries and practices
21-30-18. Revoked
21-30-19. Recruitment and referral agencies
21-30-20. Temporary employment
21-31-1. Construction of BFOQ Exemption
21-31-2. Covert and overt discrimination
21-31-3. Protection of noncitizens
21-31-4. Protection of national security
21-32-1. Sex as a bona fide occupational qualification
21-32-2. Fringe benefits
21-32-3. Separate lines of progression and seniority systems
21-32-4. Discrimination against married women
21-32-5. Pre-employment inquiries as to sex
21-32-6. Pregnancy and childbirth
21-32-7. Revoked
21-32-8. Revoked
21-33-1. Statement of purpose
21-34-1. Definitions
21-34-2. Medical examinations and inquiries; general prohibition
21-34-3. Preemployment medical examinations and inquiries
21-34-4. Employment entrance examinations and inquiries; exception
21-34-5. Prohibited medical examinations and inquiries
21-34-6. Acceptable medical examinations and inquiries
21-34-7. Regulation of alcohol and drugs
21-34-8. Drug testing
21-34-9. Transportation employees
21-34-10. Information from a drug test
21-34-11. Illegal use of drugs and alcohol; exception to the definition of "qualified individuals with a disability"; policies and procedures
21-34-12. Regulation of smoking
21-34-13. Direct threat; criteria for determination
21-34-14. Essential function; criteria for determination
21-34-15. Direct threat as qualification standard
21-34-16. Infectious and communicable diseases; food handling jobs
21-34-17. Revoked
21-34-18. Revoked
21-34-19. Undue hardship; definition; criteria for determination
21-34-20. Exceptions to the definitions of "disability
21-34-21. Health insurance, life insurance, and other benefit plans
21-40-1. Revoked
21-40-2. Revoked
21-40-3. Revoked
21-40-4. Revoked
21-40-5. Revoked
21-40-6. Revoked
21-40-7. Revoked
21-40-8. Revoked
21-40-9. Revoked
21-40-10. Revoked
21-40-11. Revoked
21-40-12. Time
21-40-13. Representation
21-40-14. Order issuance
21-40-15. Effective date of orders
21-40-16. Commission decisions
21-40-17. Intervention
21-40-18. Revoked
21-40-19. Revoked
21-40-20. Revoked
21-41-1. Revoked
21-41-2. Submission of complaints and responses
21-41-3. Contents of complaints
21-41-4. Revoked
21-41-5. Manner of filing
21-41-6. Amendment; supplementation
21-41-7. Withdrawal
21-41-8. Dismissal before hearing
21-41-9. Discontinuance
21-41-10. Criminal and civil proceedings
21-41-11. Revoked
21-42-1. Revoked
21-42-2. Revoked
21-42-3. Revoked
21-42-4. Revoked
21-42-5. Preservation of records
21-42-6. Revoked
21-42-7. Revoked
21-43-1. Revoked
21-43-2. Revoked
21-43-3. Revoked
21-43-4. Revoked
21-43-5. Revoked
21-43-6. Revoked
21-44-1. Revoked
21-44-2. Revoked
21-44-3. Posting of law and information
21-44-4. Records
21-44-5. Revoked
21-45-1. Revoked
21-45-2. Revoked
21-45-3. Revoked
21-45-4. Revoked
21-45-5. Revoked
21-45-6. Revoked
21-45-7. Revoked
21-45-8. Revoked
21-45-9. Revoked
21-45-10. Revoked
21-45-11. Revoked
21-45-12. Revoked
21-45-13. Revoked
21-45-14. Revoked
21-45-15. Revoked
21-45-16. Revoked
21-45-17. Revoked
21-45-18. Revoked
21-45-19. Revoked
21-45-20. Revoked
21-45-21. Revoked
21-45-22. Revoked
21-45-23. Revoked
21-45-24. Revoked
21-45-25. Revoked
21-46-1. Class B private clubs
21-46-2. Revoked
21-46-3. Revoked
21-50-1. Revoked
21-50-2. Revoked
21-50-3. Revoked
21-50-4. Revoked
21-50-5. Revoked
21-50-6. Revoked
21-50-7. Revoked
21-60-1. Definitions
21-60-2. Discriminatory housing practices on the basis of familial status
21-60-3. Unlawful refusal to sell or rent or to negotiate for the sale or rental
21-60-4. Discrimination in terms, conditions and privileges and in services and facilities
21-60-5. Other prohibited sale and rental conduct
21-60-6. Discriminatory advertisements, statements and notices
21-60-7. Discriminatory representations on the availability of real property
21-60-8. Blockbusting
21-60-9. Discrimination in the provision of brokerage services
21-60-10. Discrimination in the making of loans and in the provision of other financial assistance
21-60-11. Discrimination in the purchasing of loans
21-60-12. Discrimination in the terms and conditions for making available loans or other financial assistance
21-60-13. Unlawful practices in the selling, brokering, or appraising of residential real property
21-60-14. Prohibitions against discrimination because of disability; definitions
21-60-15. Permissible inquiries under K
21-60-16. Reasonable modifications of existing premises
21-60-17. Design and construction requirements
21-60-18. State and federal elderly housing programs
21-60-19. 62 or over housing
21-60-20. 55 or over housing
21-60-21. Prohibited interference, coercion or intimidation
21-60-22. Revoked
21-60-23. Revoked
21-70-1. Definitions
21-70-2. Landlord and tenant responsibilities
21-70-3. Activities; denial of participation
21-70-4. Integrated settings
21-70-5. Administrative methods
21-70-6. Association
21-70-7. Retaliation or coercion
21-70-8. Places of public accommodation located in private residences
21-70-9. Direct threat
21-70-10. Maintenance of accessible features
21-70-11. Safety
21-70-12. Charges
21-70-13. Modifications in policies, practices, or procedures
21-70-14. Service animals
21-70-15. Undue burden: definition and determination
21-70-16. Auxiliary aids and services
21-70-17. Auxiliary aids and services; telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD's)
21-70-18. Auxiliary aids and services; closed caption decoders
21-70-19. Alternatives to auxiliary aids and services
21-70-20. Definition of readily achievable; determination
21-70-21. Removal of barriers
21-70-22. Removal of barriers; priorities
21-70-23. Removal of barriers; relationship to alteration requirements
21-70-24. Removal of barriers; portable ramps
21-70-25. Removal of barriers; selling or serving space
21-70-26. Limitation on barrier removal obligations
21-70-27. Alternatives to barrier removal
21-70-28. Accessible or special goods
21-70-29. Seating in assembly areas; existing facilities
21-70-30. Seating in assembly areas; new construction and alterations
21-70-31. Examinations and courses
21-70-32. Transportation
21-70-33. Transportation provided by public accommodations
21-70-34. New construction; exception for structural impracticability; elevator exemption
21-70-35. Alterations
21-70-36. New construction and alterations; path of travel
21-70-37. Alterations to an area containing a primary function
21-70-38. New construction and alterations; path of travel; landlord or tenant
21-70-39. New construction and alterations; definition of path of travel
21-70-40. New construction and alterations; path of travel; disproportionality
21-70-41. New construction and alterations; path of travel; duty to provide accessible features in the event of disproportionality
21-70-42. New construction and alterations; path of travel; series of smaller alterations
21-70-43. Alterations; elevator exemption
21-70-44. Alterations; historic preservation
21-70-45. Standards for new construction and alterations
21-70-46. Standards for new construction and alterations
21-70-47. Smoking
21-70-48. Health insurance, life insurance and other benefit plans
21-70-49. Personal devices and services
21-70-50. Illegal use of drugs
21-70-51. Illegal use of drugs
21-70-52. Illegal use of drugs; drug testing
21-70-53. Relationship to other law
21-70-54. Certification of state laws or local building codes
21-80-1. Unlawful employment practices based on age
21-80-2. Job opportunities advertising
21-80-3. Age information on job applications and other preemployment inquiries
21-80-4. Bona fide occupational qualifications
21-80-5. Differentiations based on necessary factors other than age
21-80-6. Bona fide seniority systems
21-80-7. Prohibition of involuntary retirement
21-80-8. Revoked
21-80-9. Exemption for bona fide executive or high policy making employees
21-80-10. Firefighters and law enforcement officers