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Publications iconKansas Register


Pooled Money Investment Board

Notice of Investment Rates

New State Laws

Kansas Legislature

House Substitute for Senate Bill 113, concerning education; making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, and June 30, 2025, for the state department of education; requiring school districts to submit a notice of intent to dispose of a school district building to the legislature; establishing a state option to acquire such school district buildings; authorizing certain students to participate in activities that are regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association; authorizing certain nonpublic school students who enroll part-time in a school district to participate in nonpublic school activities; authorizing any student with a parent or guardian employed by a school district to enroll in and attend such school district without entering the school district’s open-seat lottery process; requiring school districts to give priority to nonresident military students under the school district’s open-seat lottery process; requiring consideration of homelessness when determining enrollment status of a student under school district open-enrollment procedures; authorizing members of school district boards of education to receive compensation from the school district for work and duties performed; providing for additional student eligibility and increasing the tax credit for contributions made pursuant to the tax credit for low income students scholarship program; establishing the special education and related services funding task force; extending the high-density enat- risk student weighting sunset date; authorizing the use of current-year or preceding year student enrollment to determine state foundation aid under the Kansas school equity and enhancement act; continuing a district’s low enrollment weighting factor if the district accepts students from another school district under certain circumstances; continuing the 20 mill statewide levy for schools; increasing the number of school districts that qualify to finance a cost-of-living weighting and increasing the maximum amount of such weighting

Office of the Governor

Governor's Line-Item Veto Message